Tuesday, March 31, 2009

These two different signs show bathrooms and hiking in a way without words. I love the unquieness of the first sign, the bathroom how the image was just flipped to show male and female. The hiking sign is a little less artistic, but still shows one whats going on without the use of words.

This is my refined idea on building the cantaloupe texture. The actual slice that comes out needs to be tweaked a bit but overall I have I good feeling it will work out! 

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sketch for cantaloupe packaging idea

The first sketch on the top is the one i decided to go with for the food packaging project. It will be constructed in more of an octagon shape followed around into a circle. one piece will be removable to show the color and texture on the inside. It's going to be difficult constructing a sphere like object out of paper then taking a slice out of it. 

On this website I really enjoyed the pear packaging the most! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

chosen food product

For this assignment I have chosen to work with either an eggplant or a cantaloupe. These two items will be difficult because they are both round and smooth.